contact us

We'd love to hear from you. 


49 Powell Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA, 94102
United States

415 728 0182

Instant Insights Lab is an innovative consumer research company that combines the speed of online research, the depth of in-person qualitative analysis, and the inspiring space of a work-live environment.




Our team set off for Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York City to recruit consumers from across the country. 


It takes a certain level of smarts, intuition, and friendliness. After years of trekking through local neighborhoods, events, and attractions (rain or shine) we've perfected the art of face-to-face interactions with real people to find your target audience: Moms, Empty Nesters, Early Adopters, Gamers, Boomers, or your average Gen Pop Consumer. Do they even exist anymore? Yes, they do. And, we know where to find them.

livE Street recruiting

  • Fielding within 24 hours
  • General population screening criteria
  • Minimal quotas/segmentations
  • A geographically diverse sample (includes non-Bay Area residents)
  • Intercept-style screening (minimizes topic bias)
  • Authentic, unbiased sample (90% of respondents have never participated in a focus group)
  • Flexible, 'on the fly' screener changes
  • Each session/interview is one hour or less
  • Lower incentive fee

Note: results vary upon screening criteria.



  • At least one week lead time
  • Complex screening criteria
  • Tight quotas/segmentations
  • Professional target group
  • Sessions are longer than one hour
  • Moderate to high incentive fee

hybrid recruiting

  • Need it fast, but not within 24 hours-fast? Then a hybrid recruit may be what you need. Hybrid recruiting combines the benefits of  pre-recruiting AND live street recruiting. Win-win.